If Only~

If Only...

  • I can treat it as nothing has happened between us
  • I can love you like theres no obstacle between us
  • I can see you once again
  • I can go out with you
  • I can muster up the courage to tell you how much i really love you
  • I can explain all the stuffs that i have always wanted to tell you
  • I can forget you 
  • I can give you up
  • I can tell my parents about you
  • I can stead with you openly
  • I can let my friends know who im in a BGR with
  • I can tell everyone how happy i am when im with you
  • I can have another chance with you again
  • I can hug you in the rain again
  • I can see you sending me home again
  • You can give me another chance
  • You can tell me how you really feel whenever you see me sad
  • You can send me home again
  • You can play in the rain with me
  • You will be there whenever im feeling low 
  • You will care for me again
  • You will tell me how you feel about me again
  • You will love me even if there is obstacles
  • You will show me how you love me 
  • You will give me the stuffs that i want 
  • You will shower me with love
There are so many If only..but those are past. they wont happen again already. Whats gone is gone. What for think about the past agnes? Be positive , you will definetely find someone alot better than him. But he is the one that gave you the most happy memories ever. I told you that you are the best.. I didnt lie. He is the best that i have ever seen thats why i didnt give him up. But because of my future i wasnt allowed to be together with you. If you can wait till 2 yrs down the road , i promise i will be with you. I promise i wont fall for someone else. You are in my heart once and forever.. Dont bother changing your attitude towards me. I will know its fake. Why? Cos i know you want me to give you up.. :'/ but thanks for the 4 months of happy memories i will remember them :') Thanks Love. 2 Years down the road , i promise you , we will meet again :) now just work hard for your O level okay? Jia You!! <3


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