- Idont know what to do. - I feel so done with life - I am just wondering what my life would be in the future. -Im blur af. - I really dont understand the points in life. - I may not be the person you wished i was. - I am just nothing that no one actually bothers to give a shit about. - I dont know why i care about opinions so much. - I dont know. - I suffer every day and night. - I cant sleep at night without having to cry. - I just feel like giving up on everything in life. - I dont think anyone understands me well enough. - I just wanna die.. - I cant take all this bullshits anymore. - Nobody gives a fk if im alive. - Im a burden. - Nobody knows i exist. - Im constantly hurt by all the bullshits that's happening to me. - I just wanna cry my hearts out. - I just wanna slash myself till i die.. Suicidal Thoughts.. Slashing, Punching the wall and many more..I DONT KNOW WHY IM STARTING IT AGAIN.. THOUGHTS ARE RUNNING THROUGH MY HEAD AS THOUGH EVERYTHING IS MY ...