
Showing posts from October, 2014


so yeah.. as you can see from the title.. i graduated on the 30th of September. That day is really a sad and heartbreaking day to leave all my friends. Not being able to see them till our next paper. No more fun in class no more jokes with everyone. Honestly, these 4 years has really been one of my best years that i met so many new friends. I still remember the first day that i entered springfield with the retarded look. Not knowing what to do , thinking that i will not have any friends being alone for my entire Springfield life.  Well, apparently i was wrong. After all these years, I've known so many people from my class, my cca and even through events organised in schools and areas. These friends helped me to become a better person in character and many more. Im sure without them, i would not be able to become who i am now. Even though, we might have gone through ups and downs, fights and quarrels.. Im proud to say that we are still as bonded as ever. I wanna thank all my fri